

[Click on the title below to open an article]

  1. People of the Last Days - (The Assembly of God is the battlefield where the final war is being waged between the Lamb and the Ancient Serpent, the Devil) - {PDF Copy}
  2. The Assembly of God - (The term “assembly” or ‘ekklésia’ in the New Testament is derived from the Assembly of Yahweh gathered for worship recorded in the Hebrew Bible) - {PDF Copy}
  3. Preach the Gospel! - {PDF Copy} - (The mission of the Assembly of Jesus is to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to all Nations until he returns – Matthew 24:14)
  4. The Final Harvest - (The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost fulfilled what the feast symbolized and marked the start of the Final Harvest) - {PDF Copy}
  5. The Inheritance of the Saints - (Believers are the heirs of Abraham and possession of the inheritance is guaranteed by the gift of the Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
  6. Heirs of the Promise - (With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commenced) - {PDF Copy}
  7. The Redeemed of the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, the one people of God is composed of the men purchased from every nation by the blood of the Lamb)
  8. Neither Jew nor Greek - (Returning to the custodianship of the Law would mean rebuilding the wall between Jews and Gentiles, but “you are all one in Christ) - {PDF Copy}
  9. In the Last Days... -  (The outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost signaled the arrival of the last days, just as prophesied by the Prophet Joel – Acts 2:17-21) - {PDF Copy}
  10. Servant or Caesar? - (Satan offered Jesus unlimited political power to achieve his messianic mission if only he acknowledged the Devil as his overlord) - {PDF Copy}
  11. Dividing the Church - (For the church to insist on a Torah-observant lifestyle means the restoration of the old social barriers between Jew and Gentile) - {PDF Copy}
  12. Salvation for the Nations - (The Good News announced by Jesus of Nazareth offers salvation and life to men and women of every nation and people) - {PDF Copy}
  13. The Definitive Sign - {PDF Copy} - (According to Jesus, the End will not come until this Gospel of the Kingdom of God is proclaimed to all nations – Matthew 24:14)
  14. Sons of Light - {PDF Copy} - (The Day of the Lord will mean salvation for the Sons of Light who remain ever vigilant and prepared for its sudden arrival – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)
  15. Kingdom or Christendom - {PDF Copy} - (‘Christendom’ is the idolatrous term employed to invoke God in support of national and political institutions, programs, and ideologies)
  16. Reign of the Saints - (The saints reign as a kingdom of priests during the thousand years, having overcome the Beast) - {PDF Copy}
  17. Kingdom of Priests - (Disciples reign with Jesus as priests who render service in his Tabernacle and mediate his light and Word in the World) - {PDF Copy}
  18. The Gospel Message - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth)

  1. The Decision - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples who give their unrestricted allegiance to the State are at risk of taking the Mark of the Beast)
  2. Blameless in Holiness - {PDF Copy} - (Paul prays for the Thessalonians to be found holy and blameless on the day when Jesus arrives in glory – 1 Thessalonians 3:13)
  3. Whomever He Pleases! - (Yahweh, the God of Israel, changes the times and seasons, removes kings, and sets up kings to achieve His purposes) - {PDF Copy}
  4. In Much Tribulation - {PDF Copy} - (The Thessalonians received the Gospel of Christ in tribulation but remained faithful while eagerly anticipating the return of Jesus – 1 Thessalonians 1:1-7)

  1. Tribulation - (The disciple who faithfully bears witness to the Gospel and Jesus will endure tribulation and persecution for his sake) - {PDF Copy}
  2. Tribulation vs Wrath - (Disciples escape God’s wrath, but they endure tribulation, and the Assembly has been appointed to tribulation – 1 Thessalonians 3:1-4) - {PDF Copy}
  3. The Tribulation of the Church - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, faithful saints undergo tribulation, but the unrepentant inhabitants of the earth  receive wrath, the Second Death)
  4. The Neronian Problem - {PDF Copy} - (God allows evil rulers to govern nations and uses them to accomplish His purposes, and He summons believers to show them due respect)
  5. God's Wrath - (In Revelation, wrath refers to the final judicial sentence of God on His enemies. Tribulation is what the church endures) - {PDF Copy}
  6. The Spirit of Antichrist - (The Antichrist Spirit works to destroy the church from within, especially through deception propagated by deceivers and false teachers – 1 John 2:18-22) - {PDF Copy}
  7. The Final Antichrist - (The Spirit of the Antichrist is raising up deceivers in the Church, but a final Antichrist will appear at the end of the age) - {PDF Copy}
  8. Martyrs and Overcomers - {PDF Copy} - (In the Book of Revelation, overcoming saints persevere in their testimony for Jesus whatever the cost, even a martyr’s death)
  9. Martyrs under the Altar - (The Fifth Seal opening reveals the souls of martyrs kept underneath the altar as they plead with God for vindication and justice – Revelation 6:9-11) - {PDF Copy}
  10. Mystery of Lawlessness - {PDF Copy} - (The Mystery of Lawlessness is preparing the way for the unveiling of the Lawless One who will cause many believers to apostatize)

Beach Dawn - Photo by Zetong Li on Unsplash
[Beach Dawn - Photo by Zetong Li on Unsplash]


Silence in Heaven

Sorrow Not