
Showing posts with the label Apostasy

The Approaching Storm

The New Testament warns of a future apostasy caused by deceivers and the Lawless One before the Day of the Lord arrives . The New Testament repeatedly warns believers that before Jesus returns his Church will be attacked from within by deceivers, “ false anointed ones ,” and “ false prophets .” Before the “ Day of the Lord ” begins, his disciples will be confronted by the “ Man of Lawlessness ” who the Apostle Paul links to the final “ Apostasy ,” the final great “ falling away ” from the true faith.

The Antichrist Spirit

The Spirit of the Antichrist works to destroy the church from within through deception propagated by false teachers and false prophets – 1 John 2:18-22. In popular preaching, the  Antichrist  is a political tyrant determined to rule the world for Satan. Yet Jesus and his Apostles expressed far more concern about  deceivers  who spread false teachings among Christ’s disciples and in the Church. Moreover, the New Testament applies the term ‘ Antichrist ’ to false teachers infiltrating the Body of Christ to distort the Apostolic Tradition.

Son of Destruction

Many saints will apostatize when the Lawless One, the Son of Destruction, seats himself in the Sanctuary of God . As the Apostle Paul explained, the “ Day of the Lord ” will not arrive until the “ Apostasy ” occurs and the “ Man of Lawlessness, ” is unveiled. He will  seat himself  “ in the Sanctuary of God .” Paul also calls him the “ Son of Destruction .” Is there any additional significance to this second designation? – (2 Thessalonians 2:3-9).

The Apostasy

Paul warned of the future Apostasy and linked it to the unveiling of the Man of Anarchy, the Son of Destruction . The Apostle Paul responded to  false reports  about the “ Day of the Lord ” by pointing to the expected Apostasy and the “ Man of Lawlessness .” Jesus would not “ arrive ” until the “ Apostasy ” occurred and the “ Lawless One ” was revealed. Rumors claiming that the “ Day of the Lord had set in ” had circulated in Thessalonica, disrupting the Assembly – (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).

Two Pivotal Events

Two events must occur before the Day of the Lord begins - The Apostasy and the unveiling of the Man of Lawlessness . Men spreading false rumors  about the future  among the Thessalonians were raising false expectations about the imminence of the “ Day of the Lord ” and the “ arrival ” or ‘ Parousia ’ of Jesus. Paul warned the Assembly not to be alarmed by such rumors, especially reports of this kind claiming to be from him or his coworkers.

Howling Imposters

The New Testament warns repeatedly of coming deceivers and false prophets who will cause many to depart from the faith . Jesus warned his disciples about coming “ deceivers ,” “ false Anointed Ones ,” and “ false prophets ” intent on misleading his followers, warnings reiterated and expanded in the writings of his true Apostles. He began his ‘Olivet Discourse’ with the stern warning - “ Beware lest anyone deceive you ,” for “ many ” deceivers will come and successfully “ deceive  many .”

Forerunner of the Lawless One

In his visions, Daniel saw a dark ruler called variously the “ Little Horn ,” the “ King of Fierce Countenance ,” the “ Contemptible One ,” and the “ King who does according to his will .” He was an arrogant ruler characterized by a “ mouth speaking great things .” He profaned the Jerusalem Sanctuary, caused the cessation of the daily burnt offerings, erected the “ Abomination that Desolates ,” and “ exalted himself against God .”

Mystery of Lawlessness

The “ Mystery of Lawlessness ” is active in the world. This is especially so in the Body of Christ. It is preparing hearts and minds for the “ arrival ” of the “ Man of Lawlessness ” and the “ Apostasy .” It will do so until the appointed time when this “ Lawless One ” will “ come out of the midst ” and be unveiled in the “ Sanctuary of God .” He will employ “ lying signs and wonders ” to cause those who refuse the “ love of the truth ” to betray the Apostolic Faith.

Counterfeit Christs

Since its founding, Satan has been sending many deceivers and false prophets to destroy the church from within .  Popular preaching presents the  Antichrist  as the ultimate global leader, a tyrant bent on subjugating all nations. But New Testament shows far more concern about deceivers working inside the church and causing apostasy than with political events in the surrounding world.

Predicted Final Events

The New Testament warns the disciples of Jesus about several things that will characterize the period between his first and second comings, ones that will intensify as the end approaches. They include a great many deceivers that will infiltrate the church along with deception, apostasy, the rise of an especially significant deceiver just prior to the end, and Satan’s final assault on the church.

Stand Fast!

After explaining the coming “Apostasy” and the “Man of Lawlessness,” Paul instructed believers in Thessalonica on how to avoid the coming deception and thereby find themselves standing “blameless” before Jesus when he “arrives.” To do so they must “stand fast” by adhering to the teachings and “traditions” of the Apostles. The conclusion to his discussion includes verbal links to his first letter to the Assembly. The second letter was written within a few weeks or months at the most of the first letter.

Lawless One Destroyed

Jesus will deal with the “ Lawless One ” at his “ arrival ” or  Parousia . In describing this, Paul employs language from Daniel’s vision of the “ little horn speaking great things ,” originally, an image representing the Seleucid ruler who attempted to destroy the Jewish faith and nation through deceit and persecution.

Until Revealed

Paul has explained why the “ day of the Lord ” has not commenced. Neither the “ apostasy ” nor the “ revelation of the man of lawlessness ” has occurred. Next, he describes the “ mystery of lawlessness ” that is setting the stage for the “ arrival ” of the “ Lawless One .” He will be unveiled when this “ mystery of lawlessness ” completes its preparatory task.

Seated in the Sanctuary

The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he takes his seat in the House of God  - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Jesus will not “ arrive ” to gather his “ elect ” until  two events  occur - The “ Apostasy ” and the “ Revelation of the Man of Lawlessness .” They are inextricably linked. This man’s  unveiling in the Assembly  will signal the imminence of the “ Day of the Lord .” Not only will he cause many to apostatize, but his real identity will be disclosed when he “ sits down ” in the “ Sanctuary .”