[Click on the title below to open an article]
- Overview of Daniel - (An introduction to the book of Daniel with a brief overview of how the book of Revelation applies passages from it) - {PDF Copy}
- Empires Rise and Fall - (Imperial hubris is the legacy of the Tower of Babel, humanity’s first but certainly not attempt to establish the World Empire) - {PDF Copy}
- Land of Shinar - (The arrogant acts of Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel parallel the incident at the Tower of Babel in Genesis) - {PDF Copy}
- Babylon Past and Present - (The story of Ancient Babylon’s demise is reflected in the Sixth Trumpet and the Sixth Bowl of Wrath in the Book of Revelation) - {PDF Copy}
- Babel Lives! - (In the Bible, Babylon becomes a symbol of the recurring rise of empires and self-appointed world leaders) - {PDF Copy}
- Whomever He Pleases! - (Yahweh, the God of Israel, changes the times and seasons, removes kings, and sets up kings to achieve His purposes) - {PDF Copy}
- God Grants Sovereignty - (God gave the kingdom of Judah into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, but He also equipped Daniel and his companions for service in the court of Babylon) - {PDF Copy}
- Food Offered to Idols - (Daniel and his three companions refused to participate in the religious rituals of the Babylonian Empire – Daniel 1:14) - {PDF Copy}
- The King's Dream - (Only Daniel could reveal and interpret the Nebuchadnezzar’s troubling dream, thereby unveiling the future of empires and God’s Kingdom – Daniel 2:1-49) - {PDF Copy}
- The King's Great Image - (Nebuchadnezzar implemented his dream by setting up the great golden image as he imagined it to glorify his majesty and realm - Daniel 3:1-7) - {PDF Copy}
- Downfall and Restoration - (The King has another troubling dream that leads to his downfall but only after his display of imperial hubris) - {PDF Copy}
- The Head of Gold Shattered - (The last Babylonian ruler summoned Daniel to read the handwriting on the wall just before the empire’s downfall) - {PDF Copy}
- The Next Imperial Power - (The rescue of Daniel from ravenous lions demonstrated that Yahweh remained in firm control of history) - {PDF Copy}
- Daniel's First Three Beasts - (Daniel saw four creatures with animalistic features ascending from a wind-tossed sea, representing four successive kingdoms) - {PDF Copy}
- Bear and Leopard - Identities - (In Daniel’s vision in Chapter 7, the identities of the second and third beasts are found by comparing the vision with the Book’s other visions) - {PDF Copy}
- The Fourth Beast - (The fourth beast is the focus of the vision, especially its little horn with a mouth speaking great things) - {PDF Copy}
- Four Beasts - Interpretation - (The vision of the fourth beast, its little horn, and the war it wages on the saints is interpreted for Daniel by an angel) - {PDF Copy}
- His Everlasting Dominion - (Phrases from Daniel’s vision of the four beasts and the Little Horn are applied to Jesus and his saints in the New Testament) - {PDF Copy}
- Time, Times, Half a Time - (The war against the saints will endure only for the allotted time – the time, times, and part of a time in Daniel 7:25) - {PDF Copy}
- The Ram and Goat - (Daniel received a vision of a Ram and a Goat with a prominent horn. The Ram represented the Medes and Persians, and the Goat Greece) - {PDF Copy}
- The Fierce King - (A malevolent ruler arises from the Greek world who deceives and persecutes the people of God until he is broken without hand) - {PDF Copy}
- Word of Jeremiah - (Daniel began to inquire into the promised end to the Babylonian Captivity that was recorded in Jeremiah) - {PDF Copy}
- Prayer and Visitation - (Daniel 9:3-23 - After praying for the restoration of Israel, the angel Gabriel appears to explain the “vision” to Daniel) - {PDF Copy}
- Seventy-Sevens Divided - (The interpreting angel outlines six redemptive goals to Daniel that must be completed by the end of the Seventy Weeks – Daniel 9:24) - {PDF Copy}
- The Word to Return - (The word to return marking the start of the seventy-sevens is the prophecy of the captivity recorded in Jeremiah – Daniel 9:25) - {PDF Copy}
- The First Sixty-Nine Weeks - (The first sixty-nine weeks set the stage for the tumultuous events of the final or seventieth week – Daniel 9:25) - {PDF Copy}
- After Sixty-Two Weeks - (After the first sixty-nine weeks, a malevolent leader appears who corrupts the city and desolates the sanctuary – Daniel 9:26) - {PDF Copy}
- Final Week - Abomination - (The final week of the prophecy includes verbal links to the other visions of Daniel, especially the Abomination of Desolation – Daniel 9:27) - {PDF Copy}
- Final Vision - Introduction - (Daniel chapter 10 introduces the final vision that is detailed in chapter 11, including verbal links to the vision of the Ram and the Goat - Daniel 10:1-21) - {PDF Copy}
- Persia Stirs Greece - (The conflict between Persia and Greece portrayed in the vision of the ram and goat is recapped and expanded in chapter 11 - Daniel 11:1-4) - {PDF Copy}
- The Arrogant King of the North - (The war between North and South culminates in the rise of the contemptible ruler and the abomination that desolates) - {PDF Copy}
- The Time of Tribulation - (An angel pronounced a coming time of indignation upon the people of God such as they had never experienced - Daniel 12:1-13) - {PDF Copy}
- That Son of Man - {PDF Copy} - (The one like a Son of Man in Daniel is the source of Christ’s self-designation as the Son of Man and his authority)
- Two Little Horns? - (The Little Horn is named in two of Daniel’s visions. Is it the same figure each time or two different individual rulers? - Daniel 7:7-8, 8:9-14) - {PDF Copy}
- The Start Date of the 70 Weeks - (Daniel coordinates the start of the Seventy Weeks prophecy with Jeremiah's predicted 70-year captivity in Babylon) - {PDF Copy}
- The Little Horn - (The description of the Little Horn fits the known history of the Seleucid king, Antiochus IV, who waged war on the Jewish nation) - {PDF Copy}
- The Little Horn in the Book of Revelation - (Is the “little horn” from the book of Daniel found in the book of Revelation? - Daniel 7:7-8) - {PDF Copy}
- Desolating Abomination - Context - (Literary context is vital for understanding the Abomination that Desolates in the book of Daniel) - {PDF Copy}
- Unsealing the Scroll - {PDF Copy} - (Daniel was commanded to seal the scroll, but the angel sent by Jesus commanded John NOT to do so since the season was now at hand)
- Mouth Speaking Great Things - (The mouth speaking great things in Daniel appears in Revelation in the description of the Beast from the sea and its war against the saints) - {PDF Copy}
- Seated in the Sanctuary - {PDF Copy} - (The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he seats himself in the House of God - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- Forerunner of the Lawless One - (The Little Horn in Daniel is the model for the Man of Lawlessness described by Paul to the Thessalonians) - {PDF Copy}
[Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash] |