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The Beast from the Sea

The “ Dragon ” was poised to attack the “ Seed of the Woman ” as he stood on the seashore summoning his “ seed ,” the “ Beast from the Sea ” and the “ Beast from the Earth .” Having failed to destroy the Messianic “ Son ” and the “ Woman ,” he set out to annihilate her “ Seed ,” the men who had the “ Testimony of Jesus .”

The Beast from the Earth

The “ great voice in heaven ” pronounced “ woe ” on the “ Inhabitants of the Earth and the Sea because the Devil has descended to you, having great wrath .” The “ Dragon ” then began his war against the “ Seed of the Woman ” by summoning his own “seed,” the “ Beast from the Sea ” and the “ Beast from the Earth .”

The Beastly Religion

John saw the “ Beast ascending from the Earth ” intent on deceiving the “ Inhabitants of the Earth .” The “ Beast from the Sea ” is characterized by its political power. In contrast, the “ Beast from the Earth ,” the “ False Prophet ,” uses religious performance and propaganda to deceive men, and economic sanctions to suppress all those who do not submit to its demands.

The Decision

In the Book of Revelation , humanity is divided into two and only two camps – those who follow the “ Lamb wherever he goes ,” and those who give their allegiance to the “ Beast from the Sea .” Members of the former group will not participate in the “ Second Death ,” but everyone without exception who takes the Beast’s “ Mark ” or “ Number ” will be cast into the “ Lake of Fire .” THERE IS NO THIRD OPTION , no place of neutrality.

The Beast's Number

The “ Beast from the Earth ,” the “ False Prophet ,” uses economic coercion and religious deception to induce men to “ render homage to the Beast ,” and to erect an image to honor it. All those who give allegiance to the “ Beast ” will take its “ Mark ” and “ Number .” In the Book of Revelation , the descriptions of this “ Number ” and the “ image of the Beast ” use language and imagery from the third chapter of Daniel.

Beastly Mark - Considerations

Discussions on the “ Mark of the Beast ” concentrate on deciphering the significance of its number, ‘ 666 .’ Understandably, we wish to discover its meaning and thereby avoid taking it. However, to understand it we must first recognize the scriptural background behind the number, the relationship of the “ Mark ” to the “ Seal of God ,” the consequences of taking or refusing the “ Mark ” or the “ Number of the Beast ,” and the identities of the two groups that result from deciding whether to take it.

The Persecuting Beast

The Book of Revelation graphically portrays the cosmic conflict between Satan and Jesus, one that plays out in the daily struggles of the “ Seven Assemblies of Asia .” On Earth, the agents of the “ Dragon ” execute his attacks on the Church, especially the “ Beast from the Sea ,” the “ False Prophet ,” and “ Babylon, the Great Whore .” This “ war ” is waged by the Devil with deception and compromise even more so than persecution.

Mouth Speaking Great Things

In the Book of Revelation , the “ Little Horn ” from Daniel’s visions is NOT referred to explicitly but its characteristics are present in the “ Beast from the Sea .” The Book does not retell the same story from Daniel without changes. Instead, it modifies and repurposes it to tell ITS story. The “ Beast ” is based on Daniel’s “ Little Horn ,” but it also is something beyond it, and arguably, far worse.

The Fourth Beast

In Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel , the fourth “ Beast ” that the Prophet saw “ ascending from the sea ” is presented in more detail than the first three. It is the center and primary concern of the vision. The three other “ beasts ” provided background information for the rise of the fourth kingdom. Unlike the first three, it had no analog in the animal kingdom. It was an unnatural and monstrous creature with “ iron teeth ” and “ ten horns .”

Daniel's First Three Beasts

In a dream, Daniel saw “ four beasts ascending ” from a chaotic sea. Each corresponded to one of the four parts of the “ great image ” that Nebuchadnezzar saw previously in his dream of a great image with a head of gold, a torso of silver, brass thighs, and legs of iron and clay. Daniel’s vision of four creatures utilizes that same fourfold structure.

Embracing Leviathan

The inhabitants of the earth willingly venerate the Beast and take its mark, although believers are not immune from its allurements . And discussions about the “ Mark of the Beast ” invariably focus on questions about what it is - a medical implant, a barcode, or a tattoo – as well as the significance of its “ number ,” ‘ 666 .’ As important as these questions are, far more critical is the issue of how the believer can avoid taking the Beast’s mark or its “ number .”

The Abyss

When it is first introduced, “ smoke ” and locust-like creatures are seen ascending from the “Abyss” to torment the “ inhabitants of the earth .” It is the deep pit from which satanic forces are seen ascending to wreak havoc on the Earth, and especially to wage war against the “ saints .” It is also the “prison” where demonic forces are imprisoned until their appointed time when they will attempt to execute their malevolent plans to destroy God’s people.

Beast from the Abyss

The “ Abyss ” was introduced when the “ fifth trumpet ” sounded and demonic hordes “ ascended ” from it. It is referred to next after the “ Two Witnesses ” complete their “ testimony .” On cue, the “ Beast ascends from the Abyss ” to attack and slay them, but only after they finish their prophetic mission.

The Beast goes to War

The  Book of Revelation  uses “ war ” and related terms to illustrate Satan’s attacks against the followers of the “ Lamb .” The Book shows little to no interest in conventional or nuclear warfare between nation-states. Instead, the “ Dragon ” strives mightily to annihilate the saints before his allotted time expires. To do so, he employs deception, compromise, and on occasion, outright persecution. The target of his hostility is the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Dragon's Seed

The Dragon begins his war on the “seed of the woman” by summoning his own “seed,” the beast from the sea – Revelation 13:1-5.  At the end of chapter 12, the “ Dragon ” was poised to attack the “ seed of the woman ” as he stood on the seashore, summoning his own “ seed ,” the beasts from the sea and the earth. Having failed to destroy the “ son ” and the “ woman ,” he set out to annihilate her “ seed ,” the men who have the “ testimony of Jesus. ”

The Beast's Reign

The kings and the inhabitants of the earth refuse to follow the Lamb. Instead, they give homage to the beast .  In  Revelation , there are no geographic restrictions on the reign of the “ beast .”  ALL  the “ inhabitants of the earth ” take its “ mark ” and bow to its “ image .” Not a single government resists the final incarnation of the “ ancient serpent ,” for it is granted “ authority over every tribe, people, tongue and nation .”

Embracing the Mark

The inhabitants of the earth willingly venerate the Beast and receive its mark, although Christians are not immune from its allure .  Discussions on the Beast's “ mark ” focus on questions about what it is - medical implant, barcode, tattoo – and the significance of its “ number. ”  As important as these issues are, more critical is the question -  How is the mark implemented, and how does the believer avoid taking it ?

Inhabitants of the Earth

The  “Inhabitants of the Earth”  represent the men omitted from the Book of Life because they embraced the Beast from the Sea . They are  remorseless in their hostility to the “ Lamb ” and his followers, even rejoicing and exchanging gifts when the “ Two Witnesses ” are murdered. Unlike the “ nations ” and the “ Kings of the Earth ,” they are irredeemable, and therefore their names are excluded from the “ Book of Life .”

Beastly Territory

Rulers and nations that refuse to follow the “Lamb” render homage to the “Beast,” and his reign extends over all the habitable earth .  After its rise from the sea, there are no restrictions on the beast’s territory. ALL the “ inhabitants of the earth ” receive its “ mark ” and render homage to its “ image .” Not a single government resists the final incarnation of the “ ancient serpent ,” it is granted “ authority over every tribe, people, tongue and nation .” Other than the “ saints ,” there is no exception to the rule.

Ascending from the Abyss

Repeatedly, Satan and his forces ascend from the deep pit to attack the men and women who belong to the Lamb .  T he “ Abyss ” first appears when the “ fifth trumpet ” is sounded, releasing a horde of hideous beings that  ascend  from the pit and swarm over the earth tormenting men. This force is ruled by the “ a ngel of the Abyss named Abaddon and Apollyon .” Both names mean “destruction.” Thus, the “ Abyss ” is the source of satanic forces that deceive men and a ttack the church.