
Showing posts with the label Gospel

Preach the Gospel!

The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all nations without exception until Jesus returns – Matthew 24:14. Jesus commanded his followers to announce the same message he preached. He summarized it as the “ Good News of the Kingdom of God .” His Church would spread this Kingdom on Earth in unexpected and paradoxical ways. His sovereignty over all nations would be established and his “ enemies ” would be subdued by the day of his return. Until then, his disciples were summoned to proclaim his message to the “ ends of the Earth .”

The Gospel Message

Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth . The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about reforming society or governments. His message summons all men to repent and join a radically new social order and political reality, the  Kingdom of God . His message is contrary to the political ideologies of the present world order. It subverts mankind’s philosophies, political ideologies, and popular beliefs.

Salvation for the Nations

The Good News announced by Jesus of Nazareth offers salvation and life to men and women of every nation and people . After his resurrection, Jesus declared: “ All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations !” He then sent his disciples to announce his salvation to the “ ends of the Earth .” The Era of Salvation commenced with his Death and Resurrection; therefore, his life-giving message must be announced to all men in every nation . The Messiah of Israel has achieved life and deliverance from bondage for his people!

Inheritance of the Saints

The disciples of Jesus are the heirs of Abraham. The future possession of that inheritance is secured by the Gift of the Spirit . Israel’s possession of Canaan was an earlier stage in God’s redemptive plan, which always envisioned something larger than Israel or a small plot of land in the Middle East. With the arrival of the Messiah and the outpouring of the Spirit, the covenant promises began to find their fulfillment in the true “ Seed of Abraham ,” and consequently, in his “ brethren ” and “ coheirs .”

Another Gospel

The epistle to the  Galatians  opens with a stern warning. What some believers contemplated doing would replace the true Gospel with something quite alien to the Apostolic message. To turn from the “ faith of Jesus Christ ” to the “ works of the law ” for justification meant abandoning the grace of God and rejecting the message preached by Paul, which is why he summoned God to “ curse ” any man, even “ an angel from Heaven ,” who preached “ another gospel .”