
Showing posts with the label Jesus

Su nombre es Jesús

Jesús significa ' Yahvé salva.'En el hombre de Nazaret, la Salvación prometida por el Dios de Israel ha llegado en todo su esplendor . El ángel le informó a José que el hijo que María dio a luz fue “ engendrado por el Espíritu Santo .” Él instruyó a José para que llamara al niño 'Jesús' - “ Llámalo Jesús, porque él salvará a su pueblo de sus pecados .” Este nombre señalaba el acto salvador de Dios para la humanidad que Él estaba a punto de revelar al mundo. El mundo vería la prometida “ Salvación de Yahvé ” en Jesús de Nazaret.

His Name is Jesus!

Jesus means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the man from Nazareth, the Salvation promised by the God of Israel has arrived in all its glory . The angel informed Joseph that the child borne by Mary was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit .” He instructed Joseph to name the child ‘Jesus’ - “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” This name pointed to the saving act of God for humanity that He was about to reveal to the world. The world would behold the long-promised “ Salvation of Yahweh ” in Jesus of Nazareth.

Incommunicable Name

The Incommunicable Name of God, its meaning and significance, according to Joseph Bryant Rotherham .  The following article is from the Introduction to the 1902 edition of the  Emphasized Bible  by Joseph Bryant Rotherham ( Public Domain ). It explains the background and meaning of the Hebrew name of God, Yahweh, and the key reasons why it has been lost to a great many Christians over the centuries.