[Click on the title below to open an article]
- El Santuario de Dios - {Copia en PDF} - (El Nuevo Testamento aplica el lenguaje y las imágenes del Templo de la Biblia Hebrea al Cuerpo de Cristo, la morada del Dios Viviente)
- Comienzo de los Últimos Días - {Copia en PDF} - (El derramamiento del Espíritu marcó el comienzo de los Últimos Días, la Era del Espíritu y el Tiempo del Cumplimiento)
- El Espíritu de la Promesa - {Copia en PDF} - (Con el derramamiento del Espíritu en el Día de Pentecostés, comenzaron las bendiciones para todas las Naciones prometidas a Abraham)
- Anointed by the Spirit - (Jesus is the anointed Son of God whose earthly life and ministry were characterized by the empowering presence and anointing of the Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
- The Spirit of Promise - (With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all Nations promised to Abraham commenced) - {PDF Copy}
- The Life-Giving Spirit - (Jesus dispenses the Life-Giving Spirit without which there is no enduring life. His words are spirit, and they are life) - {PDF Copy}
- The Beginning of the Last Days - (The outpouring of the Spirit signaled the start of the Last Days, the Era of the Spirit and the Time of Fulfillment) - {PDF Copy}
- The Age of the Spirit - (The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant, and the first fruits of the New Creation and the gathering of the nations) - {PDF Copy}
- The Final Harvest - (The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost fulfilled what the feast symbolized and marked the start of the Final Harvest) - {PDF Copy}
- In the Last Days... - (The outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost signaled the arrival of the last days, just as prophesied by the Prophet Joel – Acts 2:17-21) - {PDF Copy}
- Tarry in Jerusalem - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus commanded his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the Spirit, empowering them to be his witnesses on the Earth- Acts 1:1-11)
- Between Law and Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (Between the ascension and the outpouring of the Spirit, the apostles pray and appoint Matthias to complete their number)
- When Pentecost Arrived - {PDF Copy} - (Acts 2:1-4 - On the day of Pentecost, the time of fulfillment arrived when Jesus bestowed the gift of the Spirit on his church)
- People of the Last Days - (The Assembly of God is the battlefield where the final war is being waged between the Lamb and the Ancient Serpent, the Devil) - {PDF Copy}
- The First Fruits of the Resurrection - (The Gift of the Spirit is foundational to the New Covenant, and it is the first fruit of the Resurrection and the New Creation) - {PDF Copy}
- The Inheritance of the Saints - (Believers are the heirs of Abraham and possession of the inheritance is guaranteed by the gift of the Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
- Foretaste of the Resurrection - (The Gift of the Spirit is the first fruits of the bodily resurrection and a foretaste of the promised New Creation) - {PDF Copy}
- Heirs of the Promise - (With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commenced) - {PDF Copy}
- Controversy in Galatia - (The issue in Galatia is whether Gentiles must be circumcised and keep some, at least, of the deeds of the Torah) - {PDF Copy}
- From His Faithfulness - (Paul presents the points of agreement and disagreement with his opponents in the assemblies of Galatia – Galatians 2:15-21) - {PDF Copy}
- Doing the Whole Law - (Anyone who is under the Law is obligated to keep all its required deeds and rituals, and therefore, risks coming under its curse) - {PDF Copy}
- Circumcision - Cutting Issue - (With the new era inaugurated by Jesus, circumcision is no longer the sign of membership in the covenant community) - {PDF Copy}
- Dividing the Church - (For the church to insist on a Torah-observant lifestyle means the restoration of the old social barriers between Jew and Gentile) - {PDF Copy}
- The Fullness of Time - (The Law was an interim stage with a termination point, the Fullness of Time when Jesus redeemed those who were under the Law) - {PDF Copy}
[Photo by Steve Bittinger on Unsplash] |