
This site is a teaching ministry of the Disciples Global Network offering studies on Bible prophecy and related subjects. The goal is to understand each passage in its literary and historical contexts. The theological center of the Bible is Jesus - his Death and Resurrection. All God's promises and "mysteries" find their significance and actualization in him.

I have been a student of the Bible since my conversion in 1971. Over the decades, I have developed a particular interest in end-time prophecy. I live in the City of Gardnerville in Nevada, U.S.A.

All posts on this site are available free of charge - none are copyrighted. Please feel free to copy, reuse, or distribute them as desired.  If you have questions or comments, contact me via email at bear7755@gmail.com, or david.maas@yandex.com.

David R. Maas, May 2024

My Profile Picture
[Me at Hastie Lake Beach on Whidbey Island]


Silence in Heaven

Sorrow Not