
Showing posts with the label Beast

Ascending from the Abyss

Repeatedly, Satan and his forces ascend from the deep pit to attack the men and women who belong to the Lamb .  T he “ Abyss ” first appears when the “ fifth trumpet ” is sounded, releasing a horde of hideous beings that  ascend  from the pit and swarm over the earth tormenting men. This force is ruled by the “ a ngel of the Abyss named Abaddon and Apollyon .” Both names mean “destruction.” Thus, the “ Abyss ” is the source of satanic forces that deceive men and a ttack the church.

True Lamb

Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb who redeems men, but both the Beast and the False Prophet mimic him to deceive humanity .  In  Revelation , several names are applied to Jesus, but by far the most frequent and important is the designation “ Lamb .” And in his war against him, the “ Dragon ” employs two entities that imitate the “ Lamb ,” namely, the beasts from the sea and the earth.

Persecuting the Saints

The “Dragon” and his earthly vassals wage war against the saints, the followers of the Lamb, and not against other nation-states .  The book of Revelation  portrays the cosmic conflict between Satan and Jesus, one that plays out in the daily struggles of the church. On the earth, the agents of the “ Dragon ” execute his attacks on the Church, especially the “ beast from the sea ,” the “ false prophet ,” and “ Babylon .” This “ war ” is waged by the Devil with deception, compromise, and persecution.

Rendering Homage

The False Prophet uses every means necessary to coax or coerce men to give their allegiance to the Beast from the sea .  The “ false prophet ” uses “ signs and wonders ” and its control of commerce to cause the “ inhabitants of the earth ” to render homage to the “ Beast .” Whether he employs force or persuasion, the goal is the same. Anyone who refuses to submit is excluded from the economic life of the  Empire.

The Ancient Beast

The Beast of Revelation is the embodiment of the ancient power that has been stalking the saints since the fall of Adam .  History repeats itself. It is littered with past efforts by tyrants and regimes to dominate the Earth. Each may experience some success, but so far, every empire that has appointed itself sovereign over humanity has floundered in the end. For example, the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar and Caesar’s imper9al realm both ceased to exist thousands of years ago.

Beastly Warfare

In the book of Revelation, Satan attacks the Lamb by persecuting his followers, those who have the testimony of Jesus .  At times, there may be so many “trees” that we find it difficult to see the “forest” - details distract us from seeing the obvious. This is often the case when dealing with the visions of  Revelation . According to its very first verse, it is intended to “ reveal what things must come to pass ,” not to conceal them or mystify its readers.

Beastly Economics

The Second Beast or Fale Prophet employs economic sanctions to coerce men, so they swear allegiance to the Beast from the Sea . The “ False Prophet ” uses economic power against anyone who refuses to render homage to the World Empire , and the “ Mark of the Beast ” is his test of loyalty to determine who worships the Beast’s image and who does not. The ability to impose monetary penalties on nations, communities, and individuals is key to the imperial power of the First Beast.

The Beast is Rising!

The subject of the “ Antichrist ” raises certain questions. Who is he? When will he appear? How will we recognize him? What is his “ mark ” or “ number ”? In popular preaching, he is a global political leader who uses military might to subjugate other nations and attack Israel in the Middle East. However, if Satan is truly cunning, why would he do the things we expect?

Four Beasts in One

In the 13th chapter of Revelation, the single “ Beast from the Sea ” displays the same animal characteristics of the four creatures that Daniel saw ascending from the sea. John’s “ beast ” is from the same lineage, but it is also something more. It certainly is not identical to the “ fourth beast ” with the “ little horn ,” though it incorporates many of its attributes.

Bear and Leopard - Identities

The identities of the second and third beasts  are found by comparing the vision of Chapter 7 with the Book’s other visions.  In his vision, Daniel saw “ four beasts ascending ” from the sea. The first three featured characteristics of certain animals - the winged lion, the bear, and the leopard with two pairs of wings. The fourth beast did not resemble any known species of animal. It was a horrifying monstrosity with “ great iron teeth ,” “ ten horns ,” and another “ little horn, with a mouth speaking great things .”

Fifth Bowl

The first “ four bowls ” destroyed the economic infrastructure used by the  World Empire  to dominate the “ inhabitants of the earth ” and wage war on the “ saints .” This undermined the very global commerce on which the “ Beast ” system depends for wealth and power. Now, the “ fifth bowl ” targets its political power and prestige.

War Against the Saints

The “ Dragon ” tasked his “ Beast from the Sea ” with the destruction of the “ saints ,” and the “ Beast ” received authority over all the nations to do so. In  Revelation , humanity is divided into two groups: The “ Inhabitants of the Earth ” who “ gave allegiance to the Beast ,” and those who “ Tabernacle in the Heavens ,” namely, the “ saints .” The forces of Satan wage war on the followers of Jesus, not on nation-states or Israel in the Middle East.

Two Beasts Destroyed

The Rider on the White Horse destroys the beasts from the sea and the earth at the last battle, Armageddon – Revelation 19:17-21.  In chapter 19 of Revelation , John sees the destruction of the “ Beast from the sea ” and the “ false prophet ” at the final battle when the “ rider on the white horse ” overthrows the forces of “ Gog and Magog .” The passage does not state where this occurs other than on planet earth. The focus is on the destruction of the two beasts and their consignment to the “ Lake of Fire. ”

Jesus Overcomes Babylon

John saw a vision of a female figure identified as “ Babylon, the Great Harlot .” She was carried by the “ Beast with Ten Horns and Seven Heads .” She deceived the “ Kings of the Earth ” along with its “ Inhabitants ” with her “ fornications ,” and she was “ drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus .” She was (and remains) the “ Mother of the Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth .” Her powers of seduction were so great that even John found himself momentarily “ marveling ” after her.

Babylon Rides the Beast

End-Time “ Babylon ” sits on the same beastly entity that John saw “ ascending from the Sea ” in Chapter 13, but it combines the four “ Beasts ” of  Daniel  into one final malignant creature bent on destroying the saints. In Chapter 17, its “lineage” and inevitable destruction are described with language from Daniel’s vision of the “ Little Horn ” and the “ Fourth Beast .”

Four Beasts - Interpretation

The vision of the fourth beast, its little horn, and the war it wages on the saints is interpreted for Daniel by an angel .  Daniel’s vision of the four beasts “ from the sea ” concludes with a judgment scene. In it, the figure “ like a Son of Man ” approaches the “ Ancient of Days ” and receives everlasting “ dominion .” His vision leaves Daniel confused and troubled, but an angel provides him with the interpretation.