The Lordly Day
While exiled on the Isle of Patmos, John came to be “in the Spirit” and found himself “in the Lordly Day” where he received visions about the seven congregations of Asia. Though his visions were concerning events that commenced in the first century, they also culminated in the final judgment, the “Day of the Lord” when the wicked will be punished and the righteous vindicated in the city of “New Jerusalem.”
[Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash] |
The Book’s opening vision centers on Jesus and his care for the Seven Assemblies which were under pressure from within and without since “The Tribulation” was underway and about to intensify. In the vision, Jesus is seen as the glorious “Son of Man” figure who walks among the churches, and the vision begins and ends with his concern for the saints of Asia.
- (Revelation 1:9-10) – “I, John, your brother, and fellow-participant with you in the tribulation and kingdom and endurance in Jesus, was in the isle that is called Patmos for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I came to be in spirit on the lordly day.”
John calls himself a “fellow participant”
in the “tribulation,” thereby aligning himself with the plight of the Seven
Assemblies. The Greek noun sugkoinōnos denotes joint
participation. It is related to the term commonly translated as “fellowship”
elsewhere in the New Testament.
The single Greek article in the sentence or
“the” modifies all three nouns, tribulation, kingdom, endurance.
The three terms are grammatically linked, and each is part of the same whole. All
three occur “in Jesus.”
The text refers not to just one among many
“tribulations,” but to “the tribulation,” singular, and the Greek
noun is quite definite. It is the same “Great Tribulation” from which
John saw the “Innumerable Multitude” exiting to stand victorious before
the “Lamb” – (Revelation 2:9-10, 7:9-17).
On Patmos, John “came to be in Spirit.”
The verb rendered “came to be” or ginomai means “to become; to
come to be.” It denotes a change of condition or state. The verb tense (aorist)
indicates a past action seen in its entirety, a singular event that occurred at
a specific point in time.
Two prepositional clauses are used with the
single verb or “I came to be.” First, “in spirit,” which is the
direct object of the verb; and second, “in the lordly day,” the indirect
object. Both clauses have en or “in” in the locative case,
and this indicates the place of action - John came to be “in spirit in
the lordly day.”
The same image of John coming to be “in
spirit” occurs three more times in the Book. Each time it signals the start
of a new literary section with John found at a new vantage point: “on Patmos”
(1:10), “in heaven” (4:1-2), “in the wilderness” (17:1-3), “on
a high mountain” (21:10).
The English term “Lordly Day” translates
the Greek noun Kyriakos. In the Greek New Testament, it occurs only here
and in 1 Corinthians 11:20 (When, therefore, you come together into one
place, it is not possible to eat the LORDLY supper”).
“Lordly” or Kyriakos
represents the Greek adjective that refers to something that pertains to one
who is a lord, thus the sense, “lordly” (Strong’s - #G2960). The
term is unusual in the New Testament, but its use with “day” points to
the biblical concept of the “Day of the Lord,” the time when God acts
decisively to judge His enemies and vindicate His people - (Isaiah 13:6, Joel
1:15, 2:31, Amos 5:18, Obadiah 15, Zephaniah 1:7, Malachi 4:5, 1 Corinthians
5:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:2).
Thus, “in the spirit,” John found himself projected into “the Day of the Lord.” This is demonstrated in several of his visions that culminate in a day of great finality and judgment.
For example, the opening of the “Sixth Seal”
ushered in the “great day of wrath.” The emptying of the “Sixth Bowl
of Wrath” produced the gathering of all nations to the final battle, the “Great
Day of Almighty God.” When “Babylon” was judged, “in one day”
she was annihilated, “for strong is the Lord God who judges her” – (Revelation
6:17, 16:14, 18:8).
coincidentally, the descriptions of the traumatic celestial and terrestrial
events when the “Sixth Seal” was opened echoed Old Testament passages
about the “Day of Yahweh” - (Joel
2:10, 2:30, Isaiah 2:17-21, 34:3-5).
At the heart of
the Book of Revelation are three sevenfold series, the “Seven Seals,”
“Seven Trumpets,” and the “Seven Bowls of Wrath.” Each series concludes
with “flashes of lightning, loud noises, and claps of thunder,” and each
culminates in a scene of judgment.
For example, the series of “Seven Seals” climaxes in the “Day of Wrath.” The “Seventh Trumpet”
produces the judgment of the nations and the vindication of the righteous. The
sixth and seventh “Bowls of Wrath” unleash the battle of Armageddon and
the destruction of “Babylon, the Great City.” Each sevenfold series
concludes at the same final point.
Revelation begins with
the Seven Assemblies of Asia, but it does not end there. From the start, it has
strong eschatological overtones. It concerns “things that must soon come to
pass,” and, the “season is at hand.”
The “Last Days”
began with the death and resurrection of Jesus, the “Faithful Witness”
(his death), the “Firstborn of the Dead” (his resurrection), and the “Ruler
of the Kings of the Earth” (his present reign).
The struggles
of the marginalized congregations of Asia are a microcosm of the vast cosmic
battle that is taking place behind historical events, namely, the war between
the “Lamb” and the “Dragon” that plays out in the daily struggles
of the saints.
This “war” will
culminate in the final judgment on the “Day of the Lord,” the goal
towards which Revelation moves relentlessly. For the wicked, that Day
will end in the “Lake of Fire.” For the righteous, it will mean entry
into the “city of New Jerusalem.”
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