
Literal vs Nonliteral language

The Book of Revelation informs the reader from the start that it communicates visually and symbolically . Must prophecy be interpreted only or primarily in the most “literal” fashion possible unless a passage specifically indicates otherwise? Often in our minds, there is an unstated assumption that literal language is more reliable than nonliteral language, an idea that becomes especially problematic when interpreting the visions of  Revelation .

Howling Imposters

Jesus warned his disciples about coming “ deceivers ,” “ false Anointed Ones ,” and “ false prophets ” intent on misleading them, warnings reiterated and expanded in the writings of the Apostles. He began his Olivet Discourse with the stern warning - “ Beware lest anyone deceive you ,” for “ MANY ” deceivers would come and “ deceive MANY .”

The Great Gathering

There is coming a final gathering when the saints will be assembled before Jesus in glory, but the wicked will be collected and cast from his presence .  The New Testament portrays the coming day when both the righteous and the unrighteous are “ gathered ” before Jesus, the former for vindication, and the latter for condemnation. And consistently, this event is linked to the “ arrival ” of Jesus at the end of the age and the resurrection of the dead.

In the Last Days...

The use of Joel’s prophecy by Peter on the Day of Pentecost links the arrival of the Spirit to the start of History's final era. With the Spirit’s outpouring, the “ Last Days ” began in earnest.  The Gift of the Spirit is the “ Promise of Father ,” and an integral part of the  New Covenant  prophesied in the books of  Jeremiah  and  Ezekiel . Its arrival pointed to a fundamental change of eras - The time of fulfillment had commenced  - (Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17-21).

Predicted Final Events

The New Testament warns the disciples of Jesus about several things that will characterize the period between his first and second comings, ones that will intensify as the end approaches. They include a great many deceivers that will infiltrate the church along with deception, apostasy, the rise of an especially significant deceiver just prior to the end, and Satan’s final assault on the church.

Mark, Number, Name

The False Prophet coaxes and coerces men to take the Beast’s “mark,” its “name” or “number” – Revelation 13:16-18 .  The “false prophet” uses the power of the first Beast against anyone who refuses to give full allegiance to the “beast from the sea,” and its “mark” becomes an economic weapon against nonconformists. Commerce is the lifeblood of the beastly empire and imposing sanctions is its enforcement mechanism, and economic restrictions produce deprivation and suffering.