
Common Errors of Interpretation

The relevance of Revelation for today is lost if we ignore its historical context and read it with incorrect presuppositions .  The book of  Revelation  presents a sweeping picture of the church age that highlights the real “wars” being waged behind the scenes of history, “battles” that manifest in the daily struggles of the church. Its visions show God working through the “ Lamb ” to implement His kingdom, and it begins in the first century with the “ seven churches of Asia .”

Abomination of Desolation

According to Jesus, the “ Abomination of Desolation ” will appear in Jerusalem - It will be a local, not a global event. And his admonition for disciples to flee is applicable to Jerusalem and the immediate vicinity. Disciples must flee to the hills to escape the imminent calamity signaled by this abominable thing or person.

Final Vision - Introduction

The tenth chapter of  Daniel  introduces the final vision received from one with the “ appearance of a man .” The vision is described in detail in chapter 11, and it includes verbal links to the book’s preceding visions. It begins by expanding on the vision of the “ Goat ” with a  “ prominent horn ”  that overthrew the  “ Ram ”  and the division of the Greek empire into four “ lesser kingdoms .”

The Death of Death

Some members of the Corinthian congregation denied the bodily resurrection of the righteous. The Apostle Paul responded not only by stressing the necessity for it but also by appealing to the past resurrection of Jesus, which was and remains the precedent for the coming resurrection of believers. His faithful disciples will be raised bodily from the dead when he “ arrives ” at the end of the age, and his appearance will result in the termination of Death itself.

Jesus Reigns Now

The reign of Jesus began with his exaltation to the messianic throne after his Death and Resurrection  – Psalms 110:1. The New Testament links Christ’s enthronement to his Death and Resurrection by using key messianic texts from the Hebrew Bible. He achieved the authority to rule because of his faithful obedience, and God vindicated him by raising him from the dead.

Third Temple?

In the  Book of Revelation , nothing is said about a temple structure in the city of Jerusalem during the “ thousand years ” when Satan is “ bound ,” let alone concerning the restoration of the Levitical priesthood, the annual feast days, or animal sacrifices. Based mainly on chapters 40-48 of the  Book of Ezekiel , some interpretations assume the Temple will be rebuilt during or shortly before the start of the so-called  Millennium .