
Showing posts with the label Gospel Hope

The Mission

Jesus charged his followers to announce the same message to every nation that he preached, which he summarized as the “ Good News of the Kingdom of God .” Through the Risen Christ and his Assembly, God’s rule is being established but in unexpected and paradoxical ways. By the moment of his return, he will establish his complete sovereignty over the nations and subdue all his “ enemies ,” including “ Death .” Until then, his disciples must proclaim his message to the “ uttermost parts of the Earth .”

Demonstration of His Righteousness

The “righteousness of God” refers to His faithfulness to His promises, and this is demonstrated in the salvation He has provided in Jesus .  Paul stresses the “ righteousness of God ” revealed in the gospel, which is the “ power of God for salvation to everyone who believes ,” a “ righteousness ” that is proclaimed throughout the earth to “ Jew and Greek ” alike. And by the “ righteousness of God ,” he means  HIS  “ righteousness ” - God's  faithfulness   to His wayward creatures.

Redeeming the Nations

The  Book of Revelation  presents us with paradoxical images and visions that do not conform to our expectations about how God works. His purpose in subjugating His enemies and judging the nations differs radically from so-called “human wisdom.” Just as his contemporaries did not understand Jesus, so we fail to comprehend the “ Slain Lamb ” and how he shepherds the nations from his Throne.